The Stock Market's Upcoming Events

Submitted by Stock Market News on 12 August, 2011 - 12:56

For next Monday, August 15, 2011, there is only one float but four stocks are scheduled to go on ex-dividend, and four companies are going to have their general meeting.

Upcoming Dividends

Bradken (BKN) supplies differentiated consumable products to the resources, energy and freight rail industries. The company's products include consumable parts and capital equipment.

Commonwealth Bank (CBA) is one of biggest retail bank in Australia, with operations in New Zealand and Asia. The company provides retail, business and institutional banking services.

Hyperion Flagship Investments Limited (HIP) is an investment company focused on Australian equities. It is managed by Hyperion Asset Management Limited.

Merchant House International (MHI) produces and sells consumer products, particularly, footwear, home textile, seasonal decorations and gifts in Australia, USA, Canada, UK and Europe.


Segue Resources Limited (SEG) is a mining company engaged in the exploration, identification, acquisition and development of iron ore, nickel, copper and platinum group elements in Australia. AGM is holding their EGM at 10 am in The Melbourne Hotel, 942 Hay Street, Perth. The agenda: ratification of prior issue of shares, approval to issue placement shares, participation of Glenn Whiddon, Paul Fry Eric Lilford, Steven Michael, Ian Benning and Chen Chik Ong in placement of shares; issue shares to Breamline Limited.

Merchant House International Limited (MHI) designs, manufactures and sells footwear products, seasonal decorations and gifts, home decoration items and kitchen textiles. MHI is holding an AGM at 10 am in 41 Stirling Highway, Nedlands. The agenda: receive and consider financial statements for the year ended in March 31, 2011; re-election of Ian Burton and Peggy Liao as directors.
Medtech Global Limited(MDG) develops healthcare technologies in New Zealand and Australia. MDG is holding an AGM at 10 am in The St Kilda Road Parkview Hotel. The agenda: receive and consider financial statements for the year ended in March 31, 2011; re-election of directors.

Infratil Limited (IFZ) owns a variety of infrastructure businesses and investments in the UK, Australia and New Zealand. IFZ is holding an AGM at 3 pm in SKYCITY Auckland Convention Centre, Level 5, Federal Street, Auckland. The agenda: receive and consider financial statements for the year ended in March 31, 2011; re-election of Humphry Rolleston and Duncam Seville; continuation of the infrastructure bond program; authorize the directors to fix the auditor's remuneration; purchase of shares by HRL Morrison and Co Limited; and exercise of IFTWC warrants by HRL Morrison and Co Limited.


Terranova Minerals Limited (TNV) is a mining company focused on acquiring and evaluating mineral resources in Australia including gold, copper and uranium. It holds interests in the Beete Gold , Peninsula Gold and Crawford Project

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