AMP Profit $704m, 2012 Full Year Results

Submitted by Share Trading on 22 February, 2013 - 08:37

Wealth management and financial services company, AMP (ASX:AMP) have announced its full year profit results to shareholders participating on the Australian stockmarket.

  • AMP full year net profit $704 million, up 2 percent from $688 million in the previous year.
  • Annual revenue from ordinary activities up 197 percent to $16.882 billion.
  • AMP chief executive officer Craig Dunn said, "We remain focused on driving better outcomes for our customers and clients, investing in the right opportunities and continuing to drive efficiencies across the business, so that AMP is well positioned for the challenges of today and in the future."
  • AMP underlying profit was was $955 million in 2012, up five per cent from $909 million in 2011, which excludes the costs relating to the integration and merger related costs of AXA Asia Pacific.
  • AMP had purchased AXA Asia Pacific in 2011.
  • AMP will pay a partially franked at 65 percent final dividend of 12.5 cents per share, AMP's total dividend distributions for the year was 25 cents per share, down 14 cents from the previous year.

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