About Sharelord - Financial Freedom Institute (FFI)

Submitted by Sharemarket News on 13 April, 2011 - 17:00

Considering to purchase Sharelord?

Investing tools are everywhere on the internet. They attract a certain group of people, mostly beginner investors who are more likely to bank everything on a site promising big returns. While generally useful, tools can often set you back a lot of money. Before sinking your hard earned dollars into purchase, be sure to check the site's credibility.

One such investing tool is Sharelord. Sharelord is an investment and moneymaking education tool formulated in the 1990's by Nik Halik and Financial Freedom Institute (FFI). Their flagship product is the DVD Homestudy & US Trading Diary education course. The product is designed for investors with high-return strategy goals as well as those who are searching for a part-time profit based cash flow system. The Sharelord website claims to have become the foremost leader on the Global Stock Market arena.

Sharelord is a self-paced program, similar to a university long-distance learning course. They recommend that you allocate approximately six hours to understand Sharelord Education. The website also suggests investing a minimum of US$5,000 or a maximum of US$20,000 for greater returns.

Although anybody can invest in the Sharelord strategy regardless of location, you will need to sign up with a registered US broker to trade. Sharelord provides support and a website/online trading platform to track your data and progress. The Sharelord website cites returns averaged between 3 percent to 9 percent monthly. The product provides multiple strategies, which they claim to be inherently low risk.

User response has been mixed, however. Some claim that Sharelord has been a tremendous help in making good profits with 4-5 percent monthly returns, while one user reported a loss greater than his initial investment. This user described the product as "basic covered call option strategy" and instead recommended personal research to execute the strategies. Another user reported that "he can say with confidence that [Sharelord] are a rip." These testimonials cause nonusers to be pessimistic and view the $5995 price tag to be exorbitant.

Considering the amount of money you will be investing, it's important not to take a product's claim at face value. Research, research and do more research.

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