Coziron Resources (CZR)

Shares / Stock Code


Stock Exchange / Sharemarket


Coziron Resources (CZR) is an Australian-based exploration company, focused on the exploration of iron ore, base metals and coal. CZR was listed on 29 August, 2006. During the fiscal year ended June 30, 2008 (fiscal 2008), the principal activity of the Company was mineral exploration. The projects of the Company include Rawang Gadang Iron Ore Project, Inderapura Coal Project Area, Singkarak Copper-Gold Project and Landas Paeu Coal Project.

The subsidiaries of the Company are PT Coziron Pertambangan, PT Coziron Copper and Coziron Laos Pty Ltd. Coziron's objective is to achieve best practice in corporate governance. The company's employees and officers are committed in achieving this objective.

Coziron Resources (CZR) Products and Services

  • Exploration for base metals

Coziron Resources (CZR) Locations and Subsidiaries

Coziron Resources Head Office
102 James Street, Level 4,
Phone: (08) 9227 7766
Fax: (08) 9227 1370

Coziron Resources (CZR) Share Price

Submitted by ASX Listed Company on 14 March, 2010 - 02:26

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