Retailers to Launch Websites in China to Save on GST: HVN MYR

Australian retailers, Harvey Norman (ASX:HVN) and Myer (ASX:MYR) have plans to launch China based websites to save on GST.

Stock Screener - ASX100 Worst Stocks

ASX100 Worst Stocks Stock Screener for this week. These stocks decreased their share price by the largest percentage on the Australian sharemarket, the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) from the previous week of trading (48th week: 29th November to 3rd December 2010). Stocks screened in the ASX 100 to be the worst performing stocks this week included: MYR, CCL, MTS, ALL, CSR, FMG, DJS, WES, DOW, AMC, TEN, JBH, TLS, WOW, ANN.

ASX100 Stocks which Sellers Sold

Stocks which sellers sold in strength on the ASX 100. These stocks decreased their share price by the biggest margin on the Australian stockmarket, the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) from the previous week of trading (47th week of 2010: 22nd November to 26th November). Stocks which sellers sold in strength this week include: ALL, OZL, TEN, CGF, WOR, HVN, GFF, BLY, BSL, WN, CBA, TSE, DJS, NAB, MYR.

ASX 200 Shares Which Overperformed

Shares which overperformed on the ASX 200. These stocks increased their share price by the biggest percentage on the Australian stockmarket, the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) from the last week of trading (46th week of 2010: 15th November to 19th November). Overperforming ASX 200 stocks include: CDU, MAH, AAX, LLC, AXA, LNC, WOR, IVC, TEN, PRY, SHL, CTX, DJS, SRL, BXB.

ASX 100 Shares Which Overperformed

Shares which overperformed on the ASX 100. These stocks increased their share price by the biggest percentage on the Australian stockmarket, the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) from the last week of trading (46th week of 2010: 15th November to 19th November). Other lists of Aussie companies by market capitalisation. Stocks include: LLC, AXA, WOR, TEN, PRY, SHL, CTX, DJS, BXB, PPT, MGR, LEI, BOQ, COH, RIV.

Stock Scan - ASX 200 Cold Stocks

Stock Scan of ASX 200 Cold stocks. These stocks decreased their share price by the biggest percentage on the Australian stockmarket, the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) from the last week of trading (44th week of 2010: 1st November to 5th November). Stocks found in this stock scan includes: HST, LYC, MMX, LEI, GNS, AAX, ERA HVN ,DJS,AUN, JBH, ELD, ANZ, ESG, AAC. Other lists of Aussie companies by Market capitalisation.

Stock Scan - ASX 100 Cold Stocks

Stock Scan of ASX 100 Cold Stocks. These stocks decreased their share price by the biggest percentage on the Australian stockmarket, the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) from the last week of trading (44th week of 2010: 1st November to 5th November). Public companies found in this stock scan include: LEI, HVN, DJS, JBH, ANZ, NWS, OST, MYR, CSR, BSL, DOW, SKI, PRY, CBA, PPT.

Bottom ASX200 Stocks List

ASX200 Bottom stocks List from the ASX200 index. These stocks decreased their share price by the most percentage points on the Australian share market, the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) from the last week of trading (40th week of 2010: 4th to 8th October). ASX200 bottom stocks this week include: PLA, ALS, HIL, CTX, MMX, PDN, SGT, OST, BOQ, EAU, BLD, GNS, BPT, IFN, DJS.

Bottom ASX100 Stocks List

Bottom Stocks List for the ASX100 index. These stocks decreased their share price by the most percentage points on the Australian share market, the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) from the last week of trading (40th week of 2010: 4th to 8th October). Bottom Stocks this week include: CTX, PDN, OST, BOQ, BLD, DJS, AWE, HVN, MTS, CEY, MQG, CPU, JBH, WAN, TSE.

Bottom ASX 200 Shares List

ASX 200 Bottom shares List from the ASX 200 index. These stocks decreased their share price by the most percentage points on the Australian share market, the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) from the last week of trading (38th week of 2010: 20th to 24th September). Companies in this shares list: TPM, PPX, HGG, ALS, SDL, LYC, PLA, MGX, BSL, ELD, PNA, DJS, CTX, AQA, WOR, MML.

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