Infratil (IFZ)

Stock Code


Stock Exchange


Infratil (IFZ) is the Owner and operator of investments in the infrastructure and utilities sector in New Zealand, Australia and United Kingdom. Its principal investment sectors are energy, airports, public transport and the fuel refining, distribution and retailing business. IFZ was listed on the Australian stock market in 30 August, 2010. Investors can trade Infratil shares on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX).

Sharemarket Monday Events Line Up

Seven ex-dividends and a lot of Annual General Meetings are lined up for sharemarket Monday events. Meanwhile, no floats or Extraordinary General Meetings are scheduled on November 28, 2011.


The Stock Market's Upcoming Events

For next Monday, August 15, 2011, there is only one float but four stocks are scheduled to go on ex-dividend, and four companies are going to have their general meeting.

Upcoming Dividends

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