Investing Your First $2000

Submitted by Sharemarket News on 13 April, 2011 - 17:20

Learn how to invest your first $2000.

Investing makes your money work for you. Some people invest to increase their personal freedom, while others want to retire comfortably and maintain their current standard of living. Investing isn't that hard to do, but there is a learning curve. Once you learn the basics and procedures, you can manage your own finances without hiring a professional.

Here are some things to consider when investing your first $2000:


It's a great idea to take some of that money and invest it in your own education through studying courses and buying a few books. Go seek advice from your family and friends who are market savvy as well as from trusted professionals who have direct experience related to stock market investments. It's good to learn everything about the particular stock before jumping in, but make sure you get information from reputable sources. Be particularly wary of sites selling you courses.

Managed Funds

Determine what your personal investment and financial goals are including your time frame and risk profile. An option would be to look into putting your money into managed funds. Managed funds are a type of mutual investment trust that pools the funds of investors. Aside from professional fund management, advantages include diversification and buying power.

Investment Risks

Consider increasing the amount of money you want to put into the stock market. Compare how much your money will earn from a traditional bank with how it will fare in the stock market. If you are unprepared to lose $500, it's better to keep your $2000 in the bank. If you decide to go the bank route, make sure to check interest rates and the bank’s trustworthiness.


Making money requires planning. You must have a goal so you can take advantage of the tools and investment strategies to help you reach it. One strategy is breaking up your $2000 into parts. One part goes to a bank and another part is invested in mutual/managed funds. Mutual funds are subject to market risks, and understanding those risks should be your top priority.

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