Money Management Calculator

Submitted by Share Trading on 21 September, 2010 - 10:11

Money Management Calculator
Learn Money Management

Our free Money Management Calculator is in beta testing mode. Please forward any comments or feedback using this form.

Please feel free to buy the software below, download it and use it in your daily trading activities.


We've developed this software to help us determine risk in our trades. When we first started trading, I had little pieces of this calculator embedded into my spreadsheets, while I test out different trading risk profiles. Now all those disorganised Excel formulas are now installed into this neat little program.

Order Money Management Calculator Software

We've developed this software for all traders at all levels, whether you are successful or if you are simply testing the waters. We decided to offer the software for free to our readers, but we do suggest you pay for the software at only A$10 (yes it's cheap!) if you use it often, or find it useful in testing out trading ideas and risk profiles.

Trading Risk Instruction Manual

Download the Money Management Calculator

Download page

System Requirements: Windows. (Sorry Macs!)

Calculator Feedback

Appreciate any feedback for the calculator: you can send in your input here.

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