Australian Markets

Australian Markets News - Daily news about the companies listed on the Australian Sharemarket (ASX). Check the stock market news before starting your day trading!

Australian Mining Investments and CuDeco: Share Price

Shareholders in Australian Mining Investments (AUM) last week approved a name change to CuDeco (CDU)

Best Performing Stocks for 2005/06

Here are the best performing stocks listed the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) for the 2005-2006 financial year. As a trader and you run through this list, it makes you wonder... is it worth your while trading actively, or simply spending the time researching a bunch of companies and simply waiting and see if it brings a return? I looked at this issue previously in blog entry.

Worst Performing Stocks for 2005/06

Here are the worst performing stocks listed the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) for the 2005-2006 financial year.

Update of Broker Recommendations

Browse through some recommendations by brokers for Australian shares. Don't necessarily take these recommendations as Gospel - brokers aren't always 100% correct. For traders, it may or may not help you

Telstra Share Price Concerns & Outlook

The Inside Business report with Alan Kohler on Sunday interviewed three senior Telstra executives and survivors - David Moffatt, who's in charge of marketing and the phone business, Bigpond boss Justin Milne and Bruce Akhurst, who runs Sensis and looks after Telstra's interest in Foxtel. As a short term trader - I'm not in the game for trading Telstra.

Stock News and Recommendations Update

Today, the All Ordinaries followed the Dow Jones into negative territory today falling by 0.8 per cent to 4830.8 and the ASX200 also fell 0.8 per cent to 4861.4. The Aussie markets are still bouncing above the support. Reckson New York Property Trust (RNY), Telstra Corporation (TLS),

Expect an Australian Interest Rate Increase This August

Expect the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) to raise official interest rates this August. That's if you take JP Morgan's view of things, with the broker expecting the RBA to raise rates to 6 per cent this August - sooner than was previously expected (A rate rise in September). Meanwhile Commonwealth Bank has maintained their view that the RBA doesn’t need to raise rates further and TD Waterhouse as well as HSBC think that rate raises may be on the board next year.

The Australian Stock Market Is Still Volatile

The All Ordinaries closed today's trade lower, shedding 1.3 per cent closing at 4869.9 while the S&P / ASX 200 was on a steady downtrend today, losing 1.4 per cent closing at 4901.2. But you aren't here reading my website for this crap aren't you?

Great Gains but is This The Comeback? Expect high volatility

I probably overreacted over the bounce labelling it a dead cat bounce. Actually you can never tell a dead cat bounce until some time after the event. until the All Ordinaries (XAO) dips and breaks the long term uptrend I will be able to call this recent recovery a dead cat bounce. Gains a Massive 66% after the First Day’s Trade on ASX is a successful "last minute" online accommodation website that listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) last Friday opening strongly at $3.06, up $1.06 compared to the $2 issue price from the $172 million initial public offer (IPO). The share price closed the first days' trade at $3.32 - 66 per cent above the IPO price with almost 39 million shares traded. With the share price soaring, the market capitalization is now at $674 million. Also note that the original shareholders still hold 58 per cent of the company.

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