Defensive Stock Portfolio

Macquarie Research Equities (MRE) note that ""

With investors increasingly risk averse, share prices are at risk in this reporting season if profit delivery does not match the market’s expectations. This change in investor risk appetite driven by concerns over the outlook for global growth and the continued increase in cash rates around the world (ECB and Bank of England the most recent) is impacting on market valuations.

QBE Insurance Group Shares Recommendation

Citigroup Investment Research (CIR) have retained their Buy, Medium Risk rating for the QBE Insurance (QBE) stock with a share price target of $26. Citigroup continues to expect QBE to deliver "superior near-term growth profile to its domestic listed counterparts". The broker also notes that " With a solvency ratio likely to exceed 65% by 31 December 2006, QBE already has significant surplus capital. However, this raising further builds the acquisition war chest."

QBE Insurance (QBE) Shares Recommendation

JP Morgan has rated the QBE Insurance (QBE) stock as Neutral. The broker completed some dividend calculations which suggests a 90c dividend over the 80c dividend that the market has in mind The broker suggests the dividend could be higher. An the other hand ABN Amro sees an opportunity to buy into this company seeing that it is not expensive and the fact that having hurricanes could be more of an opportunity than a threat:

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