
Questions about Shares and the Sharemarket

Frequently Asked Questions about Shares and the Sharemarket

What does it mean to invest in shares?

How can I trade in share market

Trading and Investing are two different things.

How can i trade in share market? I can invest up to $1,500 for six months?

Trading and Investing are two different things. Trading should be a long term thing. Although your trades are in the short term, there is always a possibility of loss - you can't always win. And that's the inherent risk in trading.

So if you need the money back in 6 months, just put it your bank account.

But, if you treat trading seriously and professionally, it can pay off... Of course profits are never guaranteed.

What are the bulls and bears in the stock market?

We define What the bulls and bears are in the stock market?

What are the bulls and bears in the stock market?

The bulls are present in the market when the market is charging UP.

The bears are in the market when the market is trading down and where profits are being torn DOWN.

ASX looking into Broadening its Trading Base

Australian stockmarket is one of the most highly concentrated in the world; biggest five stocks responsible for 80%+ of turnover

The Australian Stock Exchange is considering plans to sponsor stockbroker research of small companies in an attempt to boost liquidity and compete more effectively with foreign exchanges.

The ASX has discussed a proposal with stockmarket participants under which the exchange would facilitate payments to analysts in order to produce "independent" research of smaller stocks that are not widely covered.

The Australian stockmarket is one of the most highly concentrated in the world; the biggest five stocks are responsible for more than 80 per cent of turnover.

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