Stock Calc FAQ

What is the difference between the option for "Shares" vs "Leverage"?

If you select "Shares" your calculation will be based upon the normal unleveraged vanilla stocks. When you select "Leverage" your calculation will be based upon derivatives and can be used for calculations involving leverage such as for CFDs (Contract For Difference). An additional input box will appear at the bottom where you can input the leveraged amount in percentage terms.

How much am I investing?

If you would like to find out how much money you are investing into your transaction, it is best to use the " Fixed Units" model.

The Fixed Units model allows you to input the stock price and the quantity you are planning to buy and outputs the dollar amount your stock transaction parcel would be worth.

How many stocks will I buy?

If you would like to find out how many stocks you will buy, then the best model to use is the "Fixed Dollar" model.

The Fixed Dollar model will tell you how many stocks you would buy in your transaction based on the amount of money (capital) you have available for the trade.

I’m only willing to risk $X amount, how many stocks should I buy?

If you would like to find out how many stocks you should buy based on the amount of risk you are willing to take then the "Fixed Dollar Risk" model will help you discover the quantity of stocks you should by.

The Fixed Dollar Risk model will reveal how many stocks you would purchase in your transaction based on the amount of money you are willing to risk.

I have $X amount to invest and am willing to risk X%, How many stocks should I buy?

If you have a certain amount of capital and are willing to risk a certain percentage of it and you would like to find out how many stocks you should buy, the best model is "Fixed Percent Risk".

The Fixed Percent Risk model will show you how many stocks you would purchase in your transaction based on the percentage amount of the capital you are willing to risk.

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