Stock Calc Variables: Inputs & Outputs

This is a list of the possible inputs and outputs of the Stock Calculator App.

Input Variables

Select Model

  • Options:
    1. Fixed Units
    2. Fixed Dollar
    3. Fixed Dollar Risk
    4. Fixed Percent Risk
    5. Fixed Percent Units

  • Available: All Calculation Models

Instrument (Toggle)

  • Options: Shares/Leverage
  • Available: All Calculation Models

Position Type (Toggle)

  • Options: Long/Short
  • Available: All Calculation Models


  • Input: Quantity of stocks in your transaction
  • Available: All Calculation Models

Price ($)

  • Input: Stock price you plan on purchasing your stock, current market price of shares. ($)
  • Available: All Calculation Models

Stop ($)

  • Input: The stock price you plan to place your stop loss level. This is the price you plan to exit and cut your losses when your trade or investment doesn’t go well. ($)
  • Available: All Calculation Models

Profit Target ($)

  • Input: Stock price you plan on selling your stock to take profits. The profit target reflects your exit plan when your transaction goes well. ($)
  • Available: All Calculation Models

Leverage (%)

  • Input: The amount of leverage you have on the stock. Typically used for day traders dealing with CFDs (Contracts For Difference) (%)
  • Available: When the "Leverage" button has been selected/toggled.

Total Capital ($)

  • Input: The dollar amount you plan to invest. ($)
  • Available: This variable is only available in “Fixed Dollar”, “Fixed Percent Risk” and “Float Percent Units”.

Risk ($)

  • Input: The dollar amount you are willing to risk. ($)
  • Available: This variable is only available in the “Fixed Dollar Risk” model.

Risk ($)

  • Input: The percentage you are willing to risk. (%)
  • Available: This variable is only available in the “Fixed Percent Risk” model.

Float (%)

  • Input: The percentage you are willing to risk. (%)
  • Available: This variable is only available in the “Float Percent Units” model.

Fee (Entry/Exit)

  • Options: Dollar/Percentage (Toggle button on the top)
  • Input: Depending on which button you toggled (Dollar or Percentage) the input can be a flat fee in dollars ($) or the input can be a percentage fee (%). (Input box towards the bottom)
  • Available: If Breakeven Analysis is toggled ON in the “Info” page. If brokerage fee is different on the Buy/Sell, two sets of toggles and inputs will appear on the calculation page.

Output Variables


  • Output Value: Quantity of stocks (size of stock parcel) recommended from the inputs you specified.
  • Available: Models which provide an output for Quantity include: “Fixed Dollar”, “Fixed Dollar Risk”, “Fixed Percent Risk” and “Float Percent Units”.

Position Size ($)

  • Output Value: Position size is the recommended size of your investment based on the inputs you provided, in dollars.
  • Available: All Models.

Unleveraged Exposure ($)

  • Output Value: Displays your unleveraged exposure to the market, in dollars. For sophisticated investors and traders who want to be aware of the full exposure they have to the market.
  • Available: For Leveraged calculations.

Capital at Risk ($)

  • Output Value: Calculates the amount of money you are risking. This output is based on your stop loss price.
  • Available: For all models except “Fixed Dollar Risk” where you input the amount you’re willing to risk.

Profit Target ($)

  • Output Value: Potential profit, in dollars, which is based on the profit target price you inputted. For advanced investors and traders, you may have derived the profit target price from your technical analysis.
  • Available: All calculation Models.

Risk Reward Ratio

  • Output Value: The calculation outputs one number but in fact the output = X in 1:X. Therefore if the calculation outputs 1, you’ve effectively risked one dollar to make 1 dollar. If the calculator outputs a decimal such as 0.75, this means you’ve effectively risked $1 to make 75 cents. If the calculator outputs a negative number: you’ve lost money!
  • Available: All calculation Models.

Break Even Price ($)

  • Output Value: The stock price at which your trade becomes break even. Exit at this price and you broke even, as it considers the commissions/brokerage fees you’ve paid for your transaction.
  • Available: When advanced options are toggled which allow for brokerage fee inputs. This can be found in the “more” options and in the “Info” page.

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