
Correlations Between AUD/USD and Commodities

Everything about AUD/USD and commodities relationships.

To be able to make a profit when trading, you need to predict where the market is going. Currencies are moved and influenced by a slew of factors, among them interest rates, politics and economic growth and decline. Economic movements depend on the country's commodity prices. The Australian dollar and the New Zealand dollar, for example, are top currencies with very close ties to commodities like oil and gold prices.

London Metals Exchange (LME)

The London Metals Exchange or LME has been the most prominent market for plastics and non-ferrous metals

For more then 130 years now, The London Metals Exchange or LME has been the most prominent market for plastics and non-ferrous metals. Some of the options and futures contracts LME offers are for copper, nickel, aluminium, zinc, tin and lead. Moreover, they also offer two regional contracts for auminium alloy. The good news to all traders is that accurate and precise forecasts, analysis and price data of all the LME’s futures contracts may now be obtained and acquired. In addition, LME had a great move when they launched the very first futures contracts for plastics in the world in 2005.

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