Short Term Trading

Global Markets: Think Big Picture

You are insignificant to the market. Remember that. The market does not care about you. Nor does it knowingly give or take money from you. The market is its own beast. A great trading genre writer, Mark Douglas once wrote in “The Disciplined Trader” that “The markets are always in motion; they never stop, only pause.” The market is in constant motion, open or closed, the field of market participants have perceptions which change with each new input of data.

Share Trading Challenge

Join the Share Trading Challenge - the Adam Gilchrist Challenge

Trading Books

More than 642 titles of Books about Trading the Markets: Stocks, Futures, Forex: The list below has more than 642 titles of books about Trading the markets. Most are about trading systems while others delve into details about trading certain markets like futures, stocks or forex. There are so many books on trading its so easy to get very lost. When you see a list like this it brings it all into perspective. But how do you learn how to trade from books? Which books are the 'best' books to pick up trading basics? That's a good question.

Volatility and Share Trading

Volatility is an Important Aspect of Short Term Share Trading: I realised early in the game of share trading that my trading style called for volatility. Since my capital was limited I was playing with leverage, be it with CFDs or warrants. Everyday that ticks by, holding the CFD or the warrant costs me interest. To limit my interest costs I needed to find stocks that were trending and were volatile enough for me to pocket myself some profit. You can find some of my target list of stocks to trade in this target list. According to CMC markets records BHP has been the most traded stock on their platform for a few months running now. The reason is that this stock is cheap enough to trade with and it is highly volatile.

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