Currency Trading

Correlations Between AUD/USD and Commodities

Everything about AUD/USD and commodities relationships.

To be able to make a profit when trading, you need to predict where the market is going. Currencies are moved and influenced by a slew of factors, among them interest rates, politics and economic growth and decline. Economic movements depend on the country's commodity prices. The Australian dollar and the New Zealand dollar, for example, are top currencies with very close ties to commodities like oil and gold prices.

Actual Forex Trade – Post Interest Rate & Federal Budget

In this eBook we will have a look at two of my trades taken a week after the Australian Interest rate hike and during the week

The Australian dollar has been particularly active against the US dollar as of late. So what are the main forces behind the volatility in the Aussie dollar?

Forex Trading with CMC Markets

I was bored last night so I traded Forex with CMC markets using their Marketmaker platform

I trade both stocks and forex. I trade forex for profit, more more importantly to execrise my risk management discipline and keep my and technical analysis skills sharp - as the forex markets are mostly traded on a technical (besides the economic fundamentals that do affect these markets). So, when I was bored last night, I went to try out some forex trading using the CMC Marketmaker platform that CMC markets uses.

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