Crossland Uranium Mines

Crossland Uranium Mines (CUX)

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Crossland Uranium Mines Limited (CUX) focuses on the discovery of uranium deposits and develops profitable uranium mines. The company has a 100% interest in all its uranium and diamond properties. CUX's key projects are located several areas, which have had previous uranium discoveries; they are in the Pine Creek Orogen of the Northern Territory, the Arunta Province of central Australia and in the Curnamona Province of South Australia.

Crossland Uranium Mines Dividends

18 October, 2010 - 01:08

Read about the dividend records for Crossland Uranium Mines. The dividend a corporation pays is the amount of money, normally a portion of the profits, a board of directors distributes to the ordinary shareholders of the corporation. If Crossland Uranium Mines Limited has released a dividend, you may be eligible to receive CUX dividends if the stock trader the company's shares on the ex-dividend date. If you are interested in receiving a dividend, you must purchase the shares before the ex dividend date.

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