Invest in US markets from Europe online

How do you Invest in US markets from Europe online

how to invest money in us stock market from europe online?
how to invest money in us stock market from europe online?

any websites?

Probably the best place to pose this question is for an online broker to tell you if you are allowed to place international trades.

My local broker allows me to invest internationally in the UK/US markets by simply registering and paying up more brokerage. All this could be done online (except for the registration process).

Contact your local brokers and see what they say.

Foreign Exchange Reserves of the World: US, Australia, China, Japan

Foreign Exchange Reserve Holding Figures from US, Australia, China, Japan

Get ready to see some very large monetary figures thrown at you. Welcome to the world of Foreign Exchange Reserve Holdings for individual countries.

Last month (December 2005) the Reserve Bank of Australia held $56 billion worth of foreign exchange reserves.

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