Pearl Healthcare

Pearl Healthcare (PHL)

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Pearl Healthcare (PHL) provides dental laboratory services and aims to deliver quality products for dental professionals. It has created a network of dental laboratories through the acquisition of established dental laboratories across Australia. Their products and services include crown and bridges, metal free restorations, implants, castings, denture prostethics, occlusal splints, mouthguards, anti snoring devices and orthodontic and orthopaedic appliances.

Pearl Healthcare Dividends

18 October, 2010 - 00:55

Read about the list of dividend records for Pearl Healthcare. The dividend a corporation pays is the amount of money, normally a portion of the profits, a board of directors distributes to the ordinary shareholders of the corporation. If Pearl Healthcare Limited has released a dividend, you may be eligible to receive PHL dividends if the stock trader the company's shares on the ex-dividend date. If you are interested in receiving a dividend, you must purchase the shares before the ex dividend date.

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