RUN Corp

RUN Corp (RNC)

Stock Code


Stock Exchange


RUN Corp (RNC) is one of Australia’s largest providers of residential property management services. RUN presently manages approximately 4,400 properties. It has offices in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. RNC was incorporated in Melbourne on 24 December 2004. It listed on the Australian stock market (ASX) on 12 December 2005.

Run Corp Dividends

18 October, 2010 - 01:13

Read about the dividend records for Run Corp. Dividends are a portion of company profits paid out to shareholders. If Run Corp Limited has announced a dividend, you may be eligible to receive RNC dividends if you own the company's shares on the ex-dividend date. In order to receive the dividend payout, investors must purchase the shares before the ex dividend date. The previous owner of the shares will receive the dividend if you buy the stocks on or after the ex dividend date. The Pay Date or the Date Payable is the day when the dividend is paid to shareholders.

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