
Avoid Low Probability Trading

Don’t waste your time by low probability trading. After share trading (or trading other types of markets) you'll learn that some types of trade setups tend to pay off more often while others are duds and end up playing psychology games with your mind and waste your emotional energy. One example of low probability trading is picking tops and bottoms.

Trading Objectives: Setting Share Trading Goals

So, you've decided to part with some of your cash and invest it into trading stocks. Share trading is like a business. Your primary purpose is to make a profit. You're not a charity freely giving money back into the markets. Like any successful business formulating a business plan, successful traders also need to have a well thought out trading plan. Remember the traditional goal setting maxims: Goals should be SMART: Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely.

Top 10 Dumbest Trading Mistakes

There are many fools trading in the worldwide markets. Trading stocks, forex or commodities anyone can make these dumb trading mistakes. But to be a highly successful trader you must admit to your mistakes and act to fix your previous follies.

Trade Without a Plan

Two Percent or Die

Two percent money management is very important especially when you are daytrading and actively trading the markets. Lets take a look at a tale of two traders with this table. You must apply the two percent rule with due diligence: that’s two percent or die. Examine the case study table below:

Random Walk From a Trader's Perspective

There is a book out there about "Random Walk Theory". I haven’t read anything about it but I would presume that the book would shoot down any prospect of a predictable market theorem.

Trading is a Minus Sum Game

In the stockmarket, for every trade that is buyer and a seller. In a theoretical, highly efficient market: if the seller puts in $50 into the market – the buyer would also take out $50. But we've been told a lie. Trading is a minus sum game. In reality, the seller would be really selling $45 worth and the buyer, gets $45 worth of stock. So where does the $10 ($5 + $5 on both sides) go?

Rogue Trader Psychology

Jerome Kerviel. Rogue Trader. As this case unfolds, more and more information is being revealed. He was the quiet guy with a not-so-impressive education background. Many of his peers may have been picked from the prestigious Grandes Ecoles, the Harvards and M.I.T.'s of France, and wielded advanced degrees in math or engineering. Kerviel came to work with a business school background and started work in the bank in the back office. Can we learn a valuable lesson from this case?

Quality versus Quantity Forex Trading

Yet another perspective on "risking a little or risking a lot": Quantity vs Quality trading...

Just a similar thought to last week's post with the forex trading case study discussing the issues of risking a little or risking the lot. Similar concept, just a different perspective or twist.

The Market Has Rhythm

Are you a fundamental or technical trader? Which ever one you use for your share trading, I'm sure you've felt that the market has some sort of rhythm to it. Just as we know the cheapest days to buy petrol (here in Sydney) are Monday and Tuesday, can the markets reveal some sort of pattern?

Mechanised, Systemised Trading Systems

Are mechanical systemised trading the answer to your trading woes?

Another brand new blog entry... here's a preview:

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