Buying Stocks

How to Buy & Sell Shares

Whether you phone through your orders or do it online, being part of the sharemarket and buying and selling shares has never been easier. So you want to invest in the sharemarket and take a slice of what you hope will be some serious profits? Firstly, consider why you’re investing and take a look at your long-term financial goals. Are you investing for capital growth, income or a combination of both? What are your spending commitments? What can you afford to spend initially and then on an ongoing basis? What is your investment time frame – 5, 10, 20 years?

Buying Stocks (Shares) Direct From the Company

Quite a few people have asked me why the public can't buy stock direct from the issuing company? Why does it have to be done through a stock broker?

Basically companies create stock to raise capital for their business to reinvest into a project or plan. So the shares they create exist in the market for the public to trade - buy and sell. When the company wishes to raise more capital it may decide to issue more shares. So the number of shares on issue are limited in number.

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