John Fairfax

John Fairfax (FXJ) Stock Recommendation

John Fairfax Holdings (FXJ) have a maintained Hold (2M) rating and a fundamental stand-alone valuation of $3.86 from stock analyst, Citigroup Investment Research (CIR). However, CIR have generated a new share price target based on adding 20 percent corporate control premium, brining the price target to $4.63 which recognises the potential for the company to be bought out in the current media consolidation frenzy. Meanwhile, UBS has a Neutral 2 stock recommendation and a lifted share price target of $4.90. UBS' valuation is based on an average of their DCF, sum of parts and P/E.

John Fairfax (FXJ) Shares

ABN Amro have rated the John Fairfax (FXJ) stock as a Buy with a share price target of $4.44. The lift in the target was a result of the broker factoring in the impact of changes in cross media ownership laws.

Fairfax (John) Holdings Limited is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) under stock code FXJ. You can view their investor website here. FXJ provides information and entertainment publishing in newspaper, magazine and electronic formats. Check your charts!

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