
AAco Interim Loss

Australia's largest cattle producer, Australian Agricultural Company, or AAco AAco (ASX:AAC), has announced its interim H1 results:

  • First half loss of $4.1 million to June 30
  • Loss is a vast improvement on loss for the corresponding period in 2011 (a loss of $12.57 million), note that this figure doesn't account for June 10 ban on live exports to Indonesia
  • Revenue from ordinary activities $246.343 million (+15.3 percent)

AAco Reports Net Loss

Australian beef cattle producer, AAco (ASX:AAC) has reported a net loss of $12.2 million in the 2009-2010 fiscal year to June 30. The net loss is less compared to the previous year when Australian Agricultural Company reported a loss of $30.3 a year.

AAco - Australian Agricultural Company Financials

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