Friday on Stockmarket: Ex-dividends and EGMs

Submitted by Share Market Writer on 12 January, 2012 - 19:13

Only two ex-dividends and five Extraordinary General Meetings are scheduled on January 20, 2012, Friday as there are no floats and Annual General Meetings scheduled on the said date.


Extraordinary General Meeting

  • Moore AustralAsia Holdings (ASX: MOV) is a company engaged in providing business-to-business solutions.MOV is going to have an EGM on January 20, 2012, 11:00 a.m. (AEDT), at Nicols and Bried, Level 2, 350 Kent St., Sydney, New South Wales. Agenda: To consider consolidation, to consider allotment and issue of shares, to consider removal of directors and company secretary, to consider the election of Mr. Adam Blumenthal, to consider the election of Mr. Grer Cornelsen and to consider the change of name.
  • Cudeco Limited (ASX:CDU) is a company engaged in the exploration and evaluation of the mineral properties in Australia. CDU is scheduled to have an EGM on January 20, 2012, 10:30 a.m. (AEST), at QT Gold Coast, Gold Coast Highway (Corner Staghorn Avenue), SUrfers Paradise, Queensland. Agenda: To consider ratification of prior share issue; and to consider approval of share issue.
  • Gippsland Limited (ASX:GIP) is a company engaged in developing Abu Dabbab and Nuweibi tantalum-tin projects and exploration for gold, copper, nickel in Egyptand Eritrea. GIP will hold an EGM on January 20, 2012, 11:00 a.m. (WST), at Suite 4, 207 Stirling Highway, Claremont, Western Australia. Agenda: To consider sale of interest in Heemskirk Tin Joint Venture.
  • Syndicated Metals Limited (ASX:SMD) is a company engaged in the exploration of mineral resources in Australia. SMD is going to have an EGM on January 20 , 2012, 10:00 a.m. (WST), at Level 1 68 Hay St., Subiaco, Western Australia. Agenda: To consider the ratification of issue of shares; to consider proposed issue of shares to Russell Davis; to consider proposed issue of shares to Jan Hope; to consider proposed issue of shares to Bruce McCullagh; and to consider proposed issue of shares to Martin Pyle.
  • Shaw River Resources Limited (ASX:SRR) is a company engaged in the exploration of manganese in Pilbara region. SRR is scheduled to have an EGM on January 20, 2012, 9:30 a.m. (WST), at 45 Plaistowe Mews, West Perth, Western Australia. Agenda: To consider the remuneration report, to consider th re-election of Mr. Anthony Walsh as Director, to consider the re-election of Mr. Pieter Jonckheer as a Director, and to consider the approval of placement facility.

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